Monday, June 5, 2017

The Little Fox

The Little Fox

By, Angela Adame

Its a dark stormy night and the wind is blowing and the leaves are flying all over the place the little fox was curious. He is looking around nothing to see no one to see, it is dark he thinks he is the only one in the storm. Come back inside his mom yelled, I wish I had wings mom to fly with the wind.

Well if you stay out long enough you won't need wings the wind will carry you off now come back inside, aw mom.

All of a sudden he heard a screeching owl, what is that.? he said, then he heard a howling, what is that.? he said, then he heard a big roar, what is that.? he said, thunder shook the ground lightning lite up the forest and he saw all the other animals around him, thunder roared fierce again oh no he said as he turned around and darted back in his cave and under his covers, never to go out in the storm again.

The End.

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