Fun Day At The Park
By, Angela Adame
A few days later Rosie and her two friends Bobby and Hilda
embark on another fun adventure. Hi Rose, Hi you two, let’s go play at the
park? OK, the three went off to the park, when they got there they seen a
little puppy crying.
They went up to the puppy and asked what is wrong, he said
no one wants to play with me because I’m a baby.
Will play with you Hilda said flying around his nose, “WOW”
what do you want to play? Let’s play tag. That sounds fun the puppy said bark
bark, when they finished playing tag, Rosie, Bobby, Hilda took the little puppy
home. Bye guys thank you for playing with me.
OK, have to play again soon Rosie said, OK, the puppy said,
bark, bark. And he waved good bye. The three headed home to rest Rosie, Hilda yelled out let’s go on another fun
adventure and see who we meet tomorrow? OK, Hilda, Rosie said. Meow, Meow
The End!
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