Friday, April 17, 2015

Don't Take What's Not Your's

"Don't Take What's Not Yours" edited by Children-net
By,  Angela Adame

Nine year old Larry looked at his best friends toys that he has and wished he could have them, but he knew he couldn't afford them.
Come on Larry let's go and play his best friend Andy yelled out. OK sure let's play outside, the two boys played.
Do you want to play ball? OK, Larry picks up the ball and throws it to Andy, you can't throw, oh and you can they both laughed. Just around the corner they saw the new kids three of them, all five got together and started playing.
One of the new kids told Larry, Andy has to many cool toys let's take some he won't  know , as the little boy put toy cars in his pocket Larry new it was wrong and told him don't take what's not yours put it back or what the kid said,
or I'll tell Andy, you will tell on me for toys that he has to many of, that's right I will. He took the toys out of his pocket and threw them on the ground, looking at Larry he told him that he would never be cool or hang out with them at school.
    Larry didn't care he said, I rather not be cool then take anything that is not mine. Larry new that he was right and would never still from his best friend or anyone ever again. With a smile he went to play with Andy and had the best time ever.

                                                   The End!

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