Thursday, April 16, 2015

Rosie's New Adventure

Rosie’s New Adventure by Angela Adame
edited by Children-net

Rosie awoke to a beautiful new day.
Yawning and stretching, she was so excited to be going outside to play with her new friends Hilda and Bobby. (who were little birds!)

What adventure awaits them today?

She heads out of the backdoor seeing Hilda and Bobby playing.
“MEOW MEOW, hey, can I play too?”
“Sure come on over here, we want to show you something.”
“What is it?”
“Hilda and I flew over the fence, we saw a big farm, and then, when we flew back we saw this hole in the wood fence.”
“Wow! What’s a farm?”
“Let's go and we will show you.”
Rosie crawled through the hole in the fence, she couldn't believe what she saw, it's huge.
Hilda yelled out, “Over here, we found a stream and it looks cool.”

“Moo Moo.”
“What's that?” Rosie said.
“A cow silly”
“Oh! What’s a cow?”
They both laughed.

The three of them started to play in the stream.
Rosie came face to face with a frog.
“What's that?” she said.
She sniffed it and it jumped, “RIB-IT RIB-IT RIB-IT”
They all played for half of the day.

A baby deer came by to sip water.
“Hey! It looks like you’re all having fun, can I play too?”
“Sure, I have never seen your kind before,” Rosie said.
“I'm a baby deer, my name is MeeMee.”
“Hi MeeMee, I'm Rosie and these are my two friends.
“Hi, Hi.” Hilda and Bobby said.
“Hoot Hoot.”
“I hear something, listen,” Rosie said.
“Oh that is just Mr. Owl, he hangs around in the trees, he's OK.”
“Let's go to my home, it's not far.” MeeMee said.
“OK, let's all go.”

They headed down the stream, playing all the way till they got to MeeMee's home.
“It's a cave,” they said.
“Where are we?” Rosie said.
“We are at my home, wow it's cool here.”
“Yes it is,” said Hilda and Bobby.
They played for the rest of the day until they had to go home.

Rosie waved bye-bye to her new friends as they went to their homes.

The End!   Audio Cold Reading

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