Rosie the kitten gets beamed
up in a spaceship
By, Angela Adame

Rosie and her friends Bobby
and Hilda are playing outside. The day starts to fall to night and before they
know it, it is dark. She looks up to the sky and see’s all the beautiful stars
all of a sudden she she’s one star that is moving and yells to Bobby and Hilda
to look up and see if they see the same thing, and yes they do.
They are excited and keep looking
att he sky then all of a sudden a beam light shines on to Rosie and before
Hilda and Bobby’s eyes she is gone and sees her up in the spaceship window
waving to her friends.
The spaceship takes off and
she is looking at the earth getting smaller and smaller. To her amazement she
loves space looking at all the planets swooshing bye.
Wow Rosie is so amazed she
sees no one and takes over the wheel. And starts to fly the ship herself, just
then Bobby and Hilda buzz near her nose. Hey what are you two doing here? We
got beamed up to.
Oh! Wow cool Rosie this is fun
let’s go around the earth, the moon, and all the planets. Dodging all the
stars, they are having a blast in space. Just then a meteor passed by Rosie
swerves to miss it and just when she is going to land on the moon, she wakes up
as is happy that it is a dream, to this day she still looks up for the beam of
The End!
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